Introduction: How to Donate Used or Old Clothes to Charity
Donating clothes is seen as a big way to give to the community. It has several benefits such creating more organizational space in your drawers and closets, reducing waste in landfills, earning a tax deduction, helping the small landfill enterprises that sustain many jobs.
Step 1: Ensure the Clothes Are in Good Shape
The clothes should be in good shape. Just because people accept donations, it does not mean that they’ll accept garbage; faded, stained or ripped clothes.
Step 2: Check the Pockets
Check the pockets for any notes, receipts, keys, change or any other crucial item since regaining access to them after a donation is quite difficult.
Step 3: Wash the Clothes
Wash the clothes to remove dirt and any odors. No one wants dirty or smelly clothes. Wash them thoroughly and let them dry.
Step 4: Pack the Correct Container
Be ready to leave your storage bag or container at the facility you’re taking your donation to. Big plastic containers, unwanted shoulder bags, and trash bags are good carriers.
Step 5: Use Labels
You can label the bags if you are donating lots of clothing for easier identification.
Step 6: Make a List in Advance
For you to get a tax deduction, you’ll be required to fill out a receipt given at your donation facility. List everything you’ve donated to avoid taking out everything from the bag to list.
Step 7:
Where to Donate Clothes
1. Local churches
Churches receive donations such as food and clothing, which is given to needy members of the church.
2. Community Outreach Centers
These centers will accept your donations and give them to the needy families in your area.
3. Homeless Shelters & Missions
These provide a safe place for people to stay but they also accept clothing as donations. Coats and blankets are in demand during cold seasons.
4. Thrift Stores
These stores will resell the clothing at very low prices to low-income families. You won’t be given a tax deduction for donating to thrift stores but you’ll have helped the needy in the community.
5. School Clothing Drives
Most public schools do this a few times a year. It enables the students to learn about the significance of charity.
6. Red Cross
Clothing donated to Red Cross benefit the victims of natural calamity.
7. The Salvation Army
This church will give your donations to people in adult rehabilitation centers and the needy members of the house.
8. Planet Aid
Its mission is to make a sustainable atmosphere while assisting charities simultaneously. It accepts donations for recycling via textile recycling or even sells them at resale shops.