Introduction: How to Enter University in Australia

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Never too early to start preparing for admission to a foreign university. The fact that the harmonization of the various issues with educational institutions may take several months. That is why the first steps to enroll in an Australian university should take 9 months before the proposed start of the course.

In preparation you must select one or more schools that are suitable to you. To do this, read the curriculum of universities and courses offered. For more information about this can be found in materials that offer the universities themselves.

For example, the majority of Australian universities, including the Australian National University, offer online brochure with information about the training programs, the subject of various courses and entry requirements. There's also contains contact information of faculties and course coordinators, which questions you can always ask.

The period for submission of documents and deadlines

The period for submission of the documents to the educational institutions in Australia is different for undergraduate and graduate students, and also depends on the particular university. In most schools, there are two major periods of enrollment of students: one at the beginning of the school year (February) and one in the middle (July).

Some institutions also carry additional sets of students. Admission is to know in advance the exact information about the period and deadline for submission of documents directly from the representatives of the institution.

In most cases, undergraduate students must apply no later than November or December to be enrolled at the beginning of the school year or no later than May and June to be enrolled in the second semester. Graduate students must apply a month earlier - in October or at the end of April, respectively. Student applications for admission are usually considered high schools for 4-6 weeks.

How to apply?

Submit your application for admission to the Australian institution, you can, by sending it directly to the chosen university, or through a national online service Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).

Documents required for admission

Standard package of documents for submission to the institution of higher education in Australia is as follows:

1) Certificate of IELTS language testing

2) Diplomas confirming already received education (an extract from the estimates of high school diploma or bachelor's degree (there is no need to include the topic of your term paper) available)

3) Letters of recommendation from school or university teachers

4) Student Resume

5) Motivational essay explaining why the student wants to study in this university

6) Copies of documents confirming the identity of the student

Keep in mind that the IELTS certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the exam, therefore, if the term of your certificate is nearing its end, you will need to be tested again and give the university a fresh certificate.

Additional examinations and tests

For admission to certain study programs, students need to pass additional tests that test their abilities. For example, for those entering the undergraduate medical test UMAT provided, for medical graduate programs - GAMSAT test, and for graduate students in the field of law - LSAT test.