Introduction: How to Grow Orange Tree From Seeds. Bottle Germination Method. Work Always. 100% Success.

About: Always pass on what you have learned.

Today, I am germinating orange seeds. I sailed a lot on the internet, so I find as a tree grown from seed can take up to 15 years, so I decided to try to reduce the chronology of its growth in this project, I have covered two phases here ;

1. Faster Germination Method and
2. Re-Potting,

This is a fairly simple process and its a good beginner DIY project. For this I am using a glass bottle, paper towel, tap water, container and soil, generally it went great and I am very happy, I hope you like this project.

Materials Required for Growing Oranges :-

  • Oranges
  • Bottle
  • Paper Towel
  • Water
  • Container or Pot
  • Regular Soil (Compost mix)

Note: - Plastic Container aren’t necessary, but its just help make the process go faster.

Step 1: Choosing, Extracting and Peeling of Seeds.

Get fresh oranges and make sure they full of juice, the best way to find seeds squeeze them and feel good factor after selecting orange, the next process is to extract the seeds, cut the orange in half and choose seeds and try to collect as many as you can, wash the seeds before peeling seeds.

Note:- Peeling seeds can be difficult in the first attempt, I damaged many seeds in peeling. So take time in the process. Slow and steady is the right way.

Step 2: Seeds on Paper Cloth

Now adding all the seeds on paper towels and spray water, not over do it. This can cause the seed to germinate.

Step 3: Bottle Germination Process

Fold gently paper towel and spray water on it, here I am using clean glass bottle for germination. Gently push the paper towel in bottle and sealed with a cork or a piece of wood.

Step 4: Uncapped Bottle After 7 Days

Uncapped bottle after a week and eliminate all seeds from paper towel, also careful about seeds elimination, I lost some seeds in the disposal.

Step 5: Seeds in Container

Add all the seeds in the container, here I am using the plastic container for propagation, adding regular soil mixed with compost, then loosen the soil for seeds, adding seeds and cover with soil and spraying a Little water.

Step 6: Final Look and Getting Good Progress

Here are the images of 1 month progress;

  1. After 3 days it shoots some green buds.
  2. After a week 6 buds grown little.
  3. After 2 weeks it grow little further and
  4. In 3 week it remain same length
  5. After the 4th week a month later it was gone with 2 strong shoots, but it might be fertilizing too much, there leaves getting brown also shoots a new leaves, I hope its a natural process.

I will continue to publish the growth of this plants in the comments section, I hope it will not take too long until the fruit stage. I hope you like this project. Please share your experience with any research on orange plants. Thank you!

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Gardening Contest 2017