Introduction: How to Make Amazing Homemade Oatmeal
Hello. Today I will teach you how to make an amazing bowl of homemade oatmeal. mr gad this was me dexter #HMS 2020
#1 Whole oats, one cup
#2 Cinnamon
#3 Honey or syrup
#4 A pot
#5 A stove
#6 A ladle
#7 Water 1 3/4 cups
#8 A bowl
#9 A spoon
#10 Salt
#11 measuring cups,(2) 1 cup solids 2 cups liquid
Step 1: Preparing for the Oatmeal
Fill the liquid measuring cup with 1 3/4 cups of water. Pour water into the pot and then add a dash of salt. Place pot upon stove top. Turn on the stove to medium high. We have an electric stove so wait for a little bit for the water to warm.
Step 2: The Waiting Game
Be patient as the water heats. When the bubbles start to rise you know it has started to boil. Pour in the oatmeal. Cover the pot with the lid then turn down heat on the stove to low and wait some more.Stir occasionally.
Step 3: Preparing the Dish
The oatmeal is almost done. When the oats absorb the water, then you know its ready. Add some spices and put in the amazing butter. Add some honey or syrup if you like it sweet. Then it is perfection.
Step 4: Enjoy
Put the oatmeal in the bowl, and eat it with the spoon. Pour milk in. Then stir. Then wait until it has cooled.
Step 5: Conclusion
If you think it might be a little too bland, add some spices. It adds some more flavor. if you don´t, don´t. if you want it to be more soft wait longer. Enjoy however you most like your homemade oatmeal of perfection.