Introduction: How to Make Cacik

About: Engineer making renewable energy products for African entrepreneurs.
Cacik is primarily yogurt. It can be used as a dressing, a dip or even eaten on it's own. Cacik is similar to Tzatziki - I guess you could say it's the Turkish version of Greek Tzatziki.

Step 1: Ingridients

1 Cucumber
1 Cup of Yogurt
1 Clove of Garlic

Step 2: Begin

Finely Grate your cucumber.
Finely mince your garlic.

Place grated cucumber in a colander and spread evenly. Sprinkle with salt and allow to rest for 30 minutes. This draws out some water. After 30 minutes, squeeze the cucumber into a ball and squish out as much water as possible.

Step 3: Mix and Serve

Take your squeezed cucumber ball and place into 1 cup of yogurt. Add minced garlic and mix well.

You can eat this by itself, serve with crackers - use as a pita dressing etc.