Introduction: How to Make Quick Pickles

About: Over the past six years Tim Bereika has helped nurture Richmond’s ever growing food scene-racking up a heap of four-star reviews and earning him the title of Richmond Magazine’s “Best New Chef” for 2011 as wel…


(makes 1 quart)

English Cucumber 1 each
Yellow Onion, Medium 1/4 each
Garlic Cloves 3 each
Kosher Salt (Morton's) 2 Tbsp*
Red Chile Flake 2 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Cider Vinegar 3/4 cup
Water 3/4 cup
Fresh Dill 1/2 ounce (about 1 bunch)

*I prefer my pickles a bit salty. If you don't feel the same way
back off on the salt by a teaspoon or two.


Cooking Basics Challenge

Participated in the
Cooking Basics Challenge