Introduction: How to Make Special-k-bars
Have you ever wondered how to make the best snack you have ever put in your mouth? Well, in this, I will be showing you how to make scotcheroos. I will be showing you 4 different steps to making the bars and how to do them precisely. Now, lets get started.
In order to make these bars, you need these ingredients. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of white syrup (corn syrup), 1.5 cups of peanut butter, and 6 cups of rice krispies, this will give you the stuff needed to make the bottom portion of the bars. In order to make the chocolate top of the bars, you will need the following ingredients as well. 1 cup of chocolate chips and one cup of chocolate butterscotch chips. These ingredients will give you what to make the spread with. You will also need measuring cups, and a big baking bowl and a baking pan along with a few spoons and a microwave safe bowl.
Step 1: Collect Ingredients
The first step in this process is to collect all of the ingredients, pans, and measuring cups needed that I listed above. Do not use any other or different ingredients or it will not turn out right. Make sure when you need to microwave the chocolate that it is in a microwave safe bowl.
Step 2: Mix Ingredients
The next step will be to mix the sugar, the syrup, and the peanut butter together and bring it to a boil. First, take one cup of sugar and dump it into the pan you are using to boil. Next, take one cup of the corn syrup and dump it into the pan with the sugar to be boiled. The 3rd step is to put 1.5 cups of your choice of peanut butter into the pan and mix the 3 things together as it starts to warm up. Bring this mixture to a small boil. Do not let it boil way over the pan, turn the heater off as soon as it starts to boil just a little bit.
Step 3: Mix in Cereal and Put Into Pan.
The next step after it begins to boil is to shutoff the burner and take the pan off the burner. After this, add the 6 cups of rice krispies into the mixture you just boiled and mix in the rice krispies well. Do not keep the pan on the burner of the oven or else it will burn it. After mixing in the krispies good, dump the mixture into the 9X13 pan. Flatten the mixture up by using a piece of tin foil or wax paper sprayed with butter so it doesn’t stick to the paper.
Step 4: Chocolate Topping
The last step of making these bars is to make the chocolate topping. Get a microwave safe bowl and put one cup of chocolate chips and one cup of butterscotch chips into the bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds then stir. Microwave for an additional 30 seconds and then take out and stir until it is into a liquid form. Dump the mixture over top of the pan of bars and then spread it our evenly. Do not use a bowl that is not microwave safe. After putting the chocolate on top put into fridge until the chocolate is hard then take out of the fridge and enjoy!