Introduction: How to Make a Cardboard Desk Lamp

We are going to create a unique desk lamp using household items.

Step 1: Gather Tools

For this project we will need:

- A ruler or tape measurer

- A straight edge

- Sharpie Marker

- A glue gun

- Cardboard with at least 25" in length and 15" in width

- A light fixture

Step 2: Make Measurements

We need a piece of cardboard at least 25" in length and 15" in width. Make these measurements and mark them with your sharpie marker.

Step 3: Cut Out Your Piece of Cardboard

IMPORTANT! We will need another piece of cardboard for the top cover.

Make the cuts on the lines we measured.

Step 4: Bend the Board

Measure out lines every 5" on this board and bend them at those points to form a hexagon shape.

Step 5: Measure Strips

Measure out 10 strips, each 1.5" in length. Cut out these strips.

Step 6: Fold and Glue

Fold these pieces at their ends and glue them.

Step 7: Glue Together

Alternate and stack the glued pieces, glue them at their contacts to one another.

Step 8: Cut Out Top

Take one of the pieces to trace the top cover. Cut out this cover and glue it to the trace piece.

Step 9: Trace and Cut Out Light Fixture

Trace the light fixture of your choosing and cut out a slot for it. Glue this piece in place with a generous amount of glue. The glue here will get hot and may loosen, so use plenty.

Step 10: Position and Glue the Cover

Position the top cover and glue its contacts in place.

Step 11: Insert Bulb and Test!

After letting the glue cool, insert the bulb and plug in your desk lamp! You're all done.