Introduction: How to Make a Long Loom Board for Weaving Scarf

About: I like to make things more simple with easily available resources. My favorite quote: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a…

My daughter asked me to make her a loom board for weaving scarf. So, I made this long loom board for her from a left-over plywood from a previous project.

This loom is very easy to make and you can store it in a corner of your room after finishing your work. Please see the scarf woven by my daughter in the picture above using this board

Step 1: What You Need

  • 4 feet long and 12 inches wide plywood board.You can use any left-over board lying at home
  • A Dremel Rotary tool or any such equipment for drilling holes
  • 1-1/2 inch size nails about 34 pieces (Keep few extra)

Step 2: Measure and Mark

  • The total length of the board available with me is about 48 inches long.
  • After leaving one inch on both sides, mark lines on both sides so that the inside distance is 46 inches.
  • The width of the board is 12 inches. Mark the center on both lines earlier marked
  • Now we will mark the position of nails over the board.
  • The proposed width of the scarf is about six inches. The number of nails should be in odd numbers, so We will have 17 nails on both ends
  • From the center mark the nail positions at a distance of one cm between them.This means we will have 8 nails on each side of the center nail.
  • Using the Dremel Rotary tool, make small holes on the nail positions. These drilled holes will help us in easily driving the nails at the required location

Step 3: Drive Nails and Finish Board

  • Now you can easily drive the nails through the drilled holes on the board.
  • Make sure the nails are firmly driven into the board. Clean and finish the Long Loom Board

Step 4:

My daughter has used this board to weave a kid's scarf which you can see in the above pictures.

Please see the following instructable on how to use this board for weaving scarf