Introduction: How to Make a Minecraft TNT Block

About: Hey, I love doing crafts and art. I love animals, and all things fun. -A


This is my first Instructable. I wanted to show you how to make a Minecraft TNT block.


You'll need:

Needle and red, white, and brown thread

Red, white, and brown fabric ( I used felt)



Step 1: Sewing the Block Together

First, cut 6 square pieces of red fabric ( It can be any size you want), then sew all the pieces together with the red thread.

As you're sewing them together, leave one side of the block open, and flip the almost completed block inside out, and stuff it with the stuffing, then sew the hole shut.

Step 2: Finishing Up

Then, with your white fabric, cut a strip that is long enough to go around the block. Sew the ends of the white fabric together on the block with the white thread, then sew the top and bottom of the white felt, with white thread. After you're done with sewing that, cut the letters out of the brown felt. You'll need 4 sets of TNT letters. then sew the letters on with brown thread. And voila! you're done.