Introduction: How to Make a Non-newtonian Fluid by Hussain Al Saif 8/C Mr.Ahmed AbdulAziz

We use these ingredients to make a experiment for you to see how the dough changes from liquid to solid in the matter of seconds because of the pressure that it gets put in it. If you make a lot of pressure it becomes solid but light pressure makes it turn to liquid

- spoon


- corn flour


- tonic water

- bowl

Step 1: Index








Step 2: Purpose

I am trying to learn the difference between non-newtonian fluid and newtonian fluid, but i'm mainly focusing on the non-newtonian how does it react to heat and cold

Step 3: Hypothesis

I think that with heat the non-newtonian will turn into a newtonian liquid / but with cold it will turn into a solid

Step 4: Research


-another person's instructable gave me the pictures

Step 5: Procedure

Put water in a big bowl/container you adding corn starch until the water becomes extremely tough to stir. It has also been described as a syrupy texture, but you should be able to feel a difference. If you are not sure, you can test it by applying pressure with the poke of your finger or a spoon. You will feel and initial resistance by the fluid and then it will slowly release.

Step 6: Procedure

You will notice if you leave the fluid unattended for a spell, it will separate into two parts and solid will be on the bottom of the container. Simply mix it up once again to regain the non-Newtonian fluid texture.As you poke and prod at the mixture, you can see and feel (if you use your hands) the mixture turning solid into liquid or vice versa. Get hands on! The texture is great to feel and will keep you occupied for hours on end!After messing around for a bit, add more corn starch. This results in a more solidified liquid and you can better feel the reactions.Watch the attached video for a moving preview of the non-Newtonian fluid!

Step 7: Procedure

The first additional experiment that was tested was by microwaving part of the fluid. I put it in the microwave for roughly 45 seconds on half power (5, in my case). This resulted in what looked like an egg-shaped object, with a yellow center and a white outer ring.

Step 8: Procedure

In this experiment, I put a cup of the non-Newtonian fluid into a freezer to see the effects. After leaving it in there, it was examined later. It had some cool line patterns on the surface like it was exerting tension or something of the like.

Step 9: Result

In this experiment, a cup of non-Newtonian fluid was put in an ice bath to see the effects it would have on the solution.The solution because more solidified and would crack and break apart instead of turning back into a liquid. Kind of obvious, but fun nonetheless.So, now it's time for you to start experimenting! Post any other experiments you do here.

Step 10: Conclusion

Before this science experiment i didn't know what was a non-newtonian fluid

But now after research i know what it is and i'm trying it out I can clearly see the difference between non-newtonian fluid and newtonian fluid . My hypothesis was the opposite of what happened, for some reason at heat it hardened / and at the cold temp it became liquid