Introduction: How to Make a Three Wheel Mouse Trap Car
So the other day I was shearching up something fun to do and one of the first things that popped up was a mouse trap car but something I noticed was that most of the cars were 4 wheelers so I decided to start fresh and do a three wheeler out of scratch.And if you want to do the same then here are your instructions.
Step 1: So Lets Get Started!
You will need
-pool noodle
-mouse trap
-a triangular piece of cardbord
- 2 cds
-duct tape
-pool noodle
-mouse trap
-a triangular piece of cardbord
- 2 cds
-duct tape
Step 2: Step 2
-cover all the cardbord in tape
-attach two skewers in the front of the triangle
-place two pieces of pool noodle on the skewer
-then place a skewer between both the pool noodles and place the spool between both pool noodle
It should end up like this
-attach two skewers in the front of the triangle
-place two pieces of pool noodle on the skewer
-then place a skewer between both the pool noodles and place the spool between both pool noodle
It should end up like this
Step 3: Step 3
Now you will glue on pool noodle on the top the piece of cardbord to both sides.
Then you will need to attach two dowels together and in the middle you need to place a piece of wire.
Then place the two sticks though the pool noodle and attach both cds at the end of the dowels.
Then glue 1/4 of the dowel on the mouse trap but make sure the mouse trap can still go up
It should end up like this........
Then you will need to attach two dowels together and in the middle you need to place a piece of wire.
Then place the two sticks though the pool noodle and attach both cds at the end of the dowels.
Then glue 1/4 of the dowel on the mouse trap but make sure the mouse trap can still go up
It should end up like this........
Step 4: Step 4
Now you you will need to glue on the mouse trap to the card board and then add another skewer on top of the pool noodle if you like.and now you want to make a not on the wire and then on the skewer and the rest should wrap the skewer so it will be able to move.And there you go that’s your mouse trap car.