Introduction: How to Make a WALKING SPIDER ROBOT at Home | 3D Printed Crawling Robot

About: Tech Enthusiast

Heyy!! Makers...

Welcome Back! Today, I am excited to share with you a fascinating project that combines robotics, 3D printing, and Arduino programming. We'll be building a spider robot using an Arduino Nano board and servo motors. This project is perfect for those who want to explore the world of robotics and automation | It's an entertaining toy. So Let's Build an Amazing Crawling Robot with some easy & simple steps. To start with let's first 3D print all the required parts πŸ‘‡


Here's the link to download all the 3D print designs

If You are using MG90 Servo Motor :

If You are using SG90 Servo Motor :

I have printed all this parts using White PLA Filament

Step 1: Stuff I Have Used

Components List :

1 x Arduino Nano

1 x Arduino nano USB A to USB B Cable

12 x Servo Motors

All 3D-printed parts

I would Suggest Flyrobo to buy Components at lower price

Step 2: Installing Servo Motors

Now That collected every component, Let's connect everything to its place

First, Connect servo motors to 3D-printed Modules and fix them using screws,Repeat the process for all 4 legs and fix All legs to the base. Once Everything is fixed, Remember to fix the Top Part using Screws

Step 3: Connecting Arduino Nano

Now once we are finished assembling servo motors, It's time to connect the Arduino Nano

Connect All the servo motor's positive & negative in series to the Battery supply and Connect all motor's Signal wires to the Arduino Nano as shown in the circuit diagram

Attach the battery on top with a strap or a double-sided tape

Check the connections once again and let's move on to uploading a code in Arduino Nano in the next step

Step 4: Uploading Code to Arduino Nano

Connect Arduino Nano to Your device using a compatible cable and copy the given Code to Arduino IDE then go to Tools>Board: "Arduino Uno ">Arduino AVR Boards>Arduino Nano

Note: Follow the steps shown in the video to upload the code correctly

Step 5: Attach Servo Motor Arms

Once you are done uploading the code, Fix the servo motor arms with screws in the correct format. Repeat the process for all the 12 servo motors so that they can move 3D printed parts as we want ... Connect the battery

As for now, we are completed with everything, Our robot is finally ready to rock and roll πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Congratulations, you made it ✨

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