Introduction: How to Make and Apply a Face Mask

I am going to show you how to make and apply a face mask using bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils. Face masks are not only relaxing, but also beneficial to skin health. This particular mask is used to purify and detox.

Step 1: Gathering Supplies and Ingredients

First you want to gather all of your supplies and ingredients. For this mask we will use apple cider vinegar, Aztec Indian healing clay, tea tree oil (optional) for the ingredients. For supplies you will need a non metal spoon and mixing bowl, and an applicator. Also, be sure to start with a freshly cleaned face.

Step 2: Measuring Clay

To begin making the mixture you will first mesaure about 2 teaspoons of Aztec Indian healing clay and pour into your mixing bowl.

Step 3: Add Apple Cider Vinegar

We will now add the apple cider vinegar to the dry clay. Measure about 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and pour into your mixing bowl. I use the Bragg’s organic raw-unfiltered acv “with the mother”.
When the acv mixes with the clay you will notice a chemical reaction occur.

Step 4: Add an Essential Oil (optional)

If you choose to add in an essiential oil this is when you would do so. I chose tea tree oil from Eden’s Garden. I added approximately 5 drops. Oils such as tea tree, frankensence, helichrysum, and lemongrass as well as many others are beneficial for skin care.

Step 5: Stir Your Mixture

Now, stir your mixture together. It is important that you are using a non metal bowl and spoon as stated in the supplies list in order to reap the full benefits of the bentonite clay.
If your mixture appears lumpy, as shown, slowly add more acv while stirring.

Step 6: Check the Consistency

When your mixture has reached a thin mud consistency, as shown, it is ready to apply.

Step 7: Ready to Apply

To apply your mask you may use your fingers if you do not have an applicator such as a brush or silicon drop. If you choose to apply with your fingers be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face.
Begin applying a medium consistent layer in sections across your face. Sections can be done as forehead, left cheek, right cheek, nose and chin.

Step 8: Relax

Once you have applied the mask all over your face you are free to watch Netflix, write a paper, do laundry, or even relax in the bathtub while it dries.
Your face will become stiff, tingly, and the color of the mask will darken when fully dry.
The average drying time is approximately 30 minutes; however, the thicker the application the longer it will take to dry.
Warning: Face may appear bright red due to the acv once mask is washed off, but will fade.