Introduction: How to Make the Perfect Sandwich

Below are the easy to follow steps to make the perfect Sandwich!

Step 1: Gathering Ingredients

  • Two slices of bread white or wheat
  • Mayo
  • Cheese
  • Lettuce
  • butter
  • The meat of your choice
  • Bacon

Step 2: Tools

  • Knife for the butter
  • Skillet to place the sandwich in
  • Spatula to flip and take out sandwich
  • plate

Step 3: Set-up

  • First set the stove to high
  • Make sure tools are nearby
  • Set out a plate for the finished product

Step 4: Cook

  • Cut off half an inch of butter and set it in the skillet
  • After the butter melts, place one of the two slices of bread in the skillet
  • Next, place the cheese on top of the bread
  • Then the bacon and meat of your choice
  • After that, take the second slice of bread, add a light layer of mayo with the knife and set the lettuce on the mayo.
  • Put the second slice on top of the sandwich and flip lightly so that the bottom is on top and top is on bottom
  • Let the top now bottom part absorb the butter.
  • Finally, take the spatula and place the sandwich on the plate and cut it in half with the knife.
  • Enjoy!