Introduction: How to Protect Your Book From Dust or Damage
You can protect your book from damage or dust. There are many of wrapping papers using glue to cover your book. So, this a new technique to cover your book without glue.
1) Wrapping paper
2) Book
3) Scissors
Step 1:
The tools you need when wrapping the book.
Step 2: Cutting the Wrapping Paper
Place your book on wrapping paper before cutting a paper to take the correct size of the book.
Step 3: Folding Wrapping Paper From the Sides
Fold the top of wrapping paper and the opposite side so that wrapping paper is the same size as the book, or slightly larger, on both sides.
Step 4: Folding the Right and Left Sides of Wrapping Paper
Fold the right side and open the book to determine the size of the book before you fold the left side of wrapping paper.