Introduction: How to Resize Any Shape You Want on Auto Desk Inventor

For many people who are new to Autodesk inventor may be very confused in how to use it. This may deflect and disinterests people from being able to have the opportunity and valuable knowledge in how to use Autodesk inventor. Sizing, scaling and measuring things can be a great challenge for new users.


You will need any of the latest versions of Autodesk inventor.

Step 1: You Need to Begin by Opening Autodesk Inventor

Open the your version of Autodesk inventor on your computer. Make sure that if you have a slow PC to close out any other applications, as this can hinder your ability tp use the application with no lag or latency.

Step 2: Open Up a File or Create New One

Once you open the application you will be greeted with the start up page. If you have already used Autodesk, you may have some projects already there and ready to go. But if your're new you will see a blank page. On the left hand side you can choose the option you want to opt for. You will see the option "Open.." and "New". For this example we will use an existing file.

Step 3: Observe the Buttons

When you open new template or open an existing one, you may feel overwhelmed because of the amount of buttons and customization. Do not be overwhelmed and carefully follow these steps

Step 4: Bring Out the Sizing and Measurement Menu

To utilize the measurement and sizing menu, you will need to double click with your mouse, on the segment that you will like to resize to your liking.

Step 5: Beginning the Resizing

Once you have double clicked, near your mouse where you clicked, you should be able to see 6 options. You will need to click the first option.

Step 6: The Resizing Continues

One that you have clicked the button, the other options should disappears and new motions appear. You will see that above your shape, there is a line going across of it telling you its size. Change that number to your liking

Step 7: Finishing Up

For this example I turned the square into a long rectangle. Once you size it up to your liking, you will see the image change, and you are now done.

Big and Small Contest

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Big and Small Contest