Introduction: How to Scramble Eggs in the Microwave

About: "There's no such thing as a waste of time..."
Have you wanted scrambled eggs for breakfast, but couldn't use the oven and only the microwave? Well you've came to the right place! Hope you enjoy!

Step 1: What You Will Need

A fork, a stick of butter, a bowl, an egg, and some milk. Make sure the bowl is MICROWAVE SAFE!

Step 2: Grease

As you know, unwrap the butter stick slightly and rub it around the bowl as so.

Step 3: Slice

Take your fork and slice about half a teaspoon of butter.

Step 4: Melt

Microwave the butter on HIGH for 20 seconds or until it melts.

Step 5: Egg

Crack the egg and add it to your bowl.

Step 6: Milk

Add a small drop of milk. If you want, you can use water.

Step 7: Stir

Stir it with your fork.

Step 8: Microwave

Put in the microwave for 25 seconds on HIGH.

Step 9: Stir

Stir it again and add salt.

Step 10: Microwave

Put it in for another 25 seconds on HIGH.

Step 11: Break and Enjoy!

Break your concoction to the center and enjoy! Follow, favorite, and comment!
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