Introduction: How to Use LCD HD44780 I2c
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to connect an LCD to an I2C, which will have only 4 pins to control and use the LCD. So let’s get started.
Step 1: Video Tutorial
Step 2: List Elements
For this project you will need :
- LCD 2×16 or 4×20
- i2c for LCD
- Arduino
- 4 wires
Step 3: Connections
- GND to GND
- VCC to 5V
- SDA to SDA or A4
- SCL to SCL or A5
Step 4: Address I2c Module
Before using our display, we need to know its address. We can do this by using the I2C scanner code. Once we have the I2C address we can replace this value in the example code and start using it. Download sketch and upload to your Arduino. Next open Serial Monitor and copy address.
Step 5: Configure Arduino IDE and Test
Now we can go to the appropriate program. Install library LiquidCrystal_i2c by Frank de Brabander. Set the address and size of your i2c HD44780 my is 0x3F. Set the contrast with the potentiometer. You can change the address of the i2c module by shorting after A0, A1 and/or A2.