Introduction: How to Connect Your 4 Button Battery Charger to Your Computer

About: i am a nerd that makes stuff

You may have a hobbykign eco six, or whatever and want to connect it to your computer to log everything
this works on windows

you will need:



Step 1: 1 Take Apart Your Usb Box

take apart the usb cable, you will see 3 contacts labeled gnd, sin, sin

Step 2: Wire It Up

strip the ends of the servo cable and solder in order to the board, make gnd and black on the cable so its easy to remember

Step 3: Plug in and Software

  • plug the cable into the charger, gnd away from the input power
  • plug into computer and install drivers
  • install log view and set up the device to imax b6 and the port to the serial port of your cable