Introduction: How to Create Portable App

About: Automation engineer that loves to make anything that needs electricity, hack and mod things or build anything AWESOME...
What is a portable app? A portable application is a software that you can use on any computer and its running from usb,portable hdd,cd,dvd ...

Step 1: Downloading Programs

You will need :
Instalation of app that you want to make it portable

Step 2: Install Uniextract and Winrar

Step 3: Uniextract File

Right click your setup file and click “UniExtract here”

Open folder and find .exe file 

Run that .exe file and see if program works

Now select all files -> Right click -> Add to archive

Step 4: Archive Files

Archive name -> Name of your portable program 
Compression method -> Best
Archiving options -> Create SFX archive 

Now go to "Advanced" tab -> SFX Options

Run after extraction -> Put name of your program  .exe file (in my case its everest.exe)

Go to "Modes" tab  -> Unpack to temporary folder 
Silent mode -> Hide all 

Ok -> Ok

Step 5: Testing

Test it
Drag the application to your portable device
Now you can use it on any computer that you want