Introduction: How to Get an a in Class (Disclaimer: the Process and Tips May Vary Slightly Depending on What Class It Is, But These Are General Tips)

Key tips on how to become a successful student

Step 1: Attendance

The most important thing about class is attendance. There’s absolutely no way a student can pass without attending class, so make sure you go to every class possible. Depending on the professor, attendance may or may not be mandatory, but being there every day at least shows the teacher that you care and are trying to learn. If you are feeling sick or know you won’t be able to make class and provide proof so your absence will be excused

Step 2: Participation

In every class, participation is key. Raise your hand, answer questions, give your opinions during class discussions, whatever it takes for you to be involved and focused in class. Just like attendance, participation isn’t always mandatory, but it’s definitely a good look from the teacher’s perspective.The main purpose is develop a close bond with the professor so they will lookout for you in time of need i.e. If they were finalizing grades at the end of the term and you had a grade of a 89.6, the professor could choose to round your grade up if they truly believed you worked hard for that A, and vice versa. So having a relationship with your teacher would definitely pay off in the end, as well as the hard work you put in.

Step 3: Complete All Assignments ON TIME

Next you must complete all assignments ON TIME. This includes all homework, classwork, projects, etc. When I say complete them, that doesn’t mean to rush and do the assignment just to get it over with. Actually take your time with every assignment and check/revise your work before turning it in. Make sure to keep up with all the due dates so you won’t turn any assignments in late or just completely forget about it.

Step 4: Study

Study! study! study! Depending on the class, the way you study may be different. But in general, if you’re studying for a test/exam/final, you definitely want to review all your notes. Also look over old quizzes and try to correct the mistakes you made on those so it won’t happen again in the future. You don’t have to study for 24 hours straight, but at the same time you don’t want to study the night before. Let’s say you have a test in 3 days, studying for approximately 3-5 hours per day (you can split them up however you want and take breaks in between) would be very beneficial.

Step 5: Ask Questions

When in doubt, ask questions (whether its in class, after class, etc). There’s no such thing as a “dumb question” except the one you never ask. It’s essentially the best way to understand a concept and again show the teacher that you care and are paying attention.Most professors offer Office Hours (check their syllabus) outside of their class periods, so I recommend that you attend them a few times and the teacher will be able to answer any questions or misunderstandings that you may have.

Step 6: