Introduction: How to Make a Cheap Wire Saw
This instructable will show you how to make a wire saw from materials found in your backyard.
Step 1: Supplies
Some wire that is used for electrical fencing, or chicken wire( won't last as long)
two key rings
needle nosed pliers
two key rings
needle nosed pliers
Step 2: First
make the wire about 28 inches long.
put the keyring about halfway down the wire and fold the wire over.
now start twisting.
Step 3: Lastly
now, once you have twisted the wire about 2.5 inches or so from the end. you will want to take the other keyring and attach it to the wire by twisting the wire through and around itself.
when using this make sure to use for like thirty seconds, then take a 15 second break, then 30 seconds again, and so on. this keeps the wire from overheating and breaking.
thanks, and have fun!
when using this make sure to use for like thirty seconds, then take a 15 second break, then 30 seconds again, and so on. this keeps the wire from overheating and breaking.
thanks, and have fun!