Introduction: How to Make a Ghost for Halloween

About: An aspiring artist. Visit me at

Materials required
Tissue paper
tissue paper tube

Glue gun
Glue sticks

Step 1: How to Make the Base

take the tissue roll and add a ball of newspaper on the top and two chicken leg structures in the sides to make the arms.

Step 2:

Completing the model
Add a piece of plastic on the top and spray the whole thing with glue and then attach long pieces of tissue on the whole model
You can make eyes or a mouth if you like
and voila you are done
it would be more scary if it were in a dark room

You could light up a LED inside it and make it glow or you can paint it with glow paint

Office Supplies Contest

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Office Supplies Contest

Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest

Participated in the
Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest