Introduction: How to Make a Pool in Yoville

so today I'm going to show you how to make a pool on facebook.I got this idea after I searched around on the game for like 3 hours and couldn't find a pool so I could put it next to my trailer home.this will take about 200-2000 (my guess) coins, so be ready

*this is my first instrutable.
also i did not have enough yo coins to buy the items sowhat you see is the items in placement mode.

Step 1: Get the Supplies

there are actually 2 ways of doing this
the irst way is when  you use wtse beach towels to make a watery effect. you won't need a bathing suit for this method. This is also a lot cheaper.
The second way is when  you use water tiles and make a border around it to make it look like a pool.You do need a bathing suit for this method. this requires more money.

supplies for mehtod 1 (cheap method):
  some sort of tiles( like a sidewalk tile) for the border

supplies for method 2 ( expensive method):
  water tiles( 200 coins apiece)
  some sort of tiles( like a sidewalk tile) for the border

Step 2: Method 1 ( Expensive)

1. get 6-12 water tiles ( to equal the land coverage of the towel)
2. lay them out in your yard
3.get the border and cover the outside of the pool

Step 3: Method 2 (cheap)

1.get as much towels that you think you will need ( about 2-6)
2. lay emout how you want
3 get the border and cover the outside of the pool 

Step 4:

Here are two pictures of what i did: