Introduction: How to Make a Quick Cheap LED Flashlight With a Stick of Deodorant!

In this Instructable, I will show you how to make a coll quick, and cheap LED flashlight out of a stick of deodorant! (and a few other parts)

Step 1: Collect the Parts!

You will need:


1: 5mm LED's (1-6)

2: 330 Ohm resistors (one for each LED)

3: 9 volt battery (1)

4: 9 volt battery adapter (1)

5: a switch (optional)

6: a project enclosure (I used an old deodorant case)


1: a soldering iron

2: solder

3: a drill (or anything else that will make a 5mm hole in your project enclosure)

4: your hands

(Sorry, the picture is really blurry)

Step 2: Deodorize!

Use the deodorant!

Step 3: Decorate!

Remove the label, and decorate your enclosure as you like!
I just left mine black, because I thought that it looked best like that.

Step 4: Connect!

I connected the LED's in parallel, so that I could not accidentally burn out all of them at once.

Solder all of the negative leads on your LED's together.

(the negative lead will be shorter)

Step 5: Resistance!

Now, solder a resistor to each positive lead of the LED's

Then, solder all of the resistors together, above the actual resistor!

Step 6:

(Sorry, the picture is really blurry)

Now, solder the negative(black) wire from the battery adapter to one of the negative LED leads.

Next, I connected the positive(red) wire from the battery adapter to one of the resistors through a flip switch, but you can use anything to connect them, you could even connect it directly, but the LED's would burn out pretty quickly...

Step 7: Drill!

Next, drill one 5mm hole for each of your LED's on your project enclosure.

I put one hole in the side of mine for the switch.

Step 8: Put It All Thogether!

Now, insert your LED's into the hole that you drilled in the project enclosure.

I put the switch in the hole that I drilled for it.

now close, put the lid on, or seal your enclosure.


Get the LED Out! Contest

Participated in the
Get the LED Out! Contest