Introduction: How to Make an Origami Ninja Star


In this Instructable I will show how to make a cool origami ninja star or shuriken. If you are having problems tell me in the comments section.

Step 1: Materials

You will need 2 pieces of square paper, preferably printer paper or construction paper, but you can use any type of paper you like. I used 6-inch construction paper.

Step 2:

Fold the top of the paper down on both sections. Then do it again.

Step 3:

Fold both of them in half horizontally, and unfold.

Step 4:

For the left piece, fold the left side up, aligning it with the fold you made in the previous step. For the right piece, fold the left side down.

Step 5:

Follow the photos.

Step 6:

Flip them over.

Step 7:

Fold the corners like so.

Step 8:

Orient the papers like in the photos.

Step 9:

Tuck in the uppermost flap into the one on the right.

Step 10:

Tuck the bottom flap into the left one.

Step 11:

Flip over.

Step 12:

Tuck in the right flap into the space between the upper and lower flaps. Then do the same with the left flap.

Step 13:

You are done! Make more of them using different colors, they look very cool when flying.

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