Introduction: How to Make Henna Paste at Home!!

About: welcome to my space where I share my creativity and love for do-it-yourself projects. im not really creative, diy'ing to save some bucks. do get in touch or just say hi xxx


1/4 cup (25g) Henna powder

2 teaspoons (8g) sugar

2 teaspoons (8ml) essential oil

distilled water or lemon juice

Gather the ingredients listed above.

I'm using Jamila henna powder in this guide. You can use a blend of jamila and rajastani henna powders 50:50.

I use the same sugar which is in my cupboard for cooking and putting in my cup of tea, no fancy fructose or sucrose!

I'm using lavender essential oil in this guide, you can use tea tree essential oil, cajeput essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil.

You can you either lemon/lime juice or distilled water. lemon juice will take 24 hours for the dye release, whereas distilled water would take 2-6 hours.

Henna powders and essential oils can be bought from

Step 1: Measure the Henna..

Use a disposable container or a container which you no longer use. measure out 1/4 of henna powder and put in to the container.

Step 2: Add Sugar and Oils..

Add 2 teaspoons of sugar in to container. sugar helps the henna to stick on to your skin and not crumble off from your skin as soon as it dries.

Add 2 teaspoons of essential oil of your choice. essential oil helps to release the dye from the henna.

Step 3: Mixing..

Mix with distilled water or lemon juice. use one or the other, not a combination.

Mix by hand or with an electric mixer until all the lumps are out and the paste is smooth.

Step 4: Consistency..

Henna paste consistency: when you pour the henna, the henna tendrils stay on the surface of the paste without melting back in. that is the perfect consistency for henna.

Step 5: Leave for Dye Release..

cover it with saran wrap or a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place for dye release, 24 hours if lemon juice is used, 2-6 hours if distilled water is used.

Henna likes to be warm, not hot. 75-85 Fahrenheit (23-30 Celsius) is the preferred temperature for henna paste.

Step 6: Paste Test..

After 24 hours give it a good mix. and you have to test it to see if it has released dye and if it stains the skin well.

To see if the paste is ready, you have to do a 5 minutes spot test. apply a little henna on your palm and leave it for 5 minutes.

after 5 minutes on the skin when you wipe the paste off you should be left with a lovely bright pumpkin orange stain .. If it's a pale color, it's likely not ready! I always do my spot test on my palm or inner fingers or the bottom of my foot.

Step 7: Strain and Cone..

your henna paste is ready for straining and coning. i will put up another instructable on how to strain henna and how to put them in to cones.