Introduction: How to Make Your Own Transformer Out of Cardboard

Hi, I've made a transformer out of a pasta pack. De general idea was that this pack looks normal but kan be transformed into a robot; a transformer. ...and back again. Their is an easy way, but I chose the hard we. It is not just transformed by opening de pack/box.
This is my first instructableI. During the making of this transformer I came a cross this site and I just got it ready. I thought of participating in the Gorilla cardboard contest. Hopefully mij instructions are good enough and my English, I'm Dutch.
I have to admit it isn't easy to explain. It was a but complicated to make and I wasn't aware of this site untill the end of this project. And my English is a bit limiting.
And the transformer is slightly inspired by Optimus prime (colours and head). Still have to finish the paint job.

What you need:
- Scissors
- Glue & cardboard
- Sharp knife ... is sometimes better
- Paint
- Patience :)

I am curious what you think, so let me know!

p.s. also watch the pictures I made form the stages of transforming the box into the robot. This can also be helpful while making it.

Step 1: Cutting the Box

This is the most important step. Cutting the box wrong can give a lot of brain exercise later on. There are several ways cutting a box for making a transformer. This is one of them. See picture. First I cut the top in a way that two corners were fully cut of the box to form the arms.

Step 2: Cutting the Box: Legs

Second I cut the lower half of the box by cutting it through the middle to form the legs. I cut it on all sides: back, bottom and front of the box. So the legs were almost only attached to the chest. This looks strange and not very strong but this looks better. Gives the legs a more natural look instead of standing straight down. Picture tree shows the back of the box and picture 4 the lower front where I cut the legs.
You see that in cutting upper and lower body I also left a few pieces of cardboard in the middel which I kept attached to the box and used later on for attachment of chest and head for the upper body.
Picture 12 shows the legs later on. Shown from the back.

Step 3: Arms

Picture 5 shows the arms I completely cut of the box. See also picture 8 and 9 for the development of the arms.

Step 4: Feet

Picture 6 shows the feet which I also completely cut of the box.
Picture 14 shows the attachement of the feet. On the top of the feet there is a loose piece of cardboard which I can slide through the loop I made on picture 14.

Step 5: Head

Picture 7 and 8 shows the creation of the head.

Step 6: Back

Picture 10 and 11 shows the back I made. I also made a sort of a spline to give the robot some strenght and stiffness. Fortunately I don't have a picture of it while making it. The spline consists with two legs glued behind the back. In the final picture were I show the back, you can see it; the spline is painted black.
See also picture 14.

Step 7: Head and Chest

In general the head it self doesn't show a lot of technique. Same for the chest. Both however are attached at de upper part of the robot. Here I use the middle section I left between the legs en fold it to the top and attached it to the back. On top of this strip an made an attachment for the head. The head is actually fixed to the back.
The chest is formed by the other middle section I left after cutting the arms. This section I cut through the middle and both I fold a different way up to the top. These two ar relatively long and can be attached to the back.
You can also see I used carboard to form a pipe on which I can attach the arms (black detail).

Step 8: Transforming

The other pictures are about transforming the box into the robot but can be helpful while making it yourself.
Gorilla Glue Cardboard Contest

Participated in the
Gorilla Glue Cardboard Contest