Introduction: How to Turn on a Set of Lights in Your House

About: Weird guy. Kind of big. Professional upright bass player, computer programmer, and video gamer.

Most houses now days have quite a few lights in them to assist with illumination when needed. Most of these lights are grouped together in different groups and then channeled to a switch. In this tutorial, I will show you how to identify a set of lights, how to determine what general area the light switch for this certain set would be, and how to flip the switch, turning on the set of lights.

Step 1: Determine Set of Lights

Sets of lights are usually grouped by proximity to each other, they room they are in, and (sometimes) the pattern they follow. The first image is of the set of lights right above my kitchen. As we can see, these lights are all in the same room and in close proximity to each other. So we can assume that they are all controlled by the same switch. Let's go a little deeper. If we associate the location of the lights and what their intended target of illumination is, we can more accurately group said lights. The line of three lights on the far left is most likely its own group because the other 12 all illuminate directly over the majority of the kitchen whereas the other 3 illuminate small walkway around the kitchen.

After sorting out the groups of lights, decide on a group to turn on. For this demonstration, I will be using the set of 12 lights directly over the majority of the kitchen.

PS: In the above images, the couch towards the left of the image isn't supposed to be there. We just had our carpets cleaned.

Step 2: Determine Where the Access Point of the Light Set Is

This can be done simply by scanning the room that the lights are in. If there aren't any switches, then begin looking in the rooms closest to the room that the lights are in.

Step 3: Start Flipping Switches Until the Desired Light Group Turns On

The title of this step is completely self explanatory. Be careful though as some switches may control things other than lights. For example, right next to my sink is a set of two switches as shown in the second image. One turns on a light and the other turns on the garbage disposal. If there are any sets of switches similar to this in the room that contains the set of lights you want to turn on, it would be best to try those last.

Step 4: Evaluate and Learn

As we can see, after flipping four switches on one of the switch groups in the kitchen area, that are original assumption of where the groups were was wrong. There is one light directly above the sink area that isn't connected to the other 11 lights in the group we picked. From this we can sharpen our skills of deductive reasoning which can help us later in life.