Introduction: How to Use Virtual Pins in Blynk
Hello Everyone. I was tinkering with the blynk app and wanted to find a way to use the virtual pins.. Here is what I came up with so far...
Essentially this project uses and LDR attached to adc pin to switch on a virtual LED in the blynk app as a notification. I am hoping that when further widgets and more features such as MQTT, Thingspeak, IFTTT are added, this can come in handy to make easy projects such as alarms, irrigation timers, home automation etc.
Step 1: Tools
ESP8266 development board. I am using ESP-12 with and LDR attached to ADC pin.
Arduino IDE with required libraries(blynk, esp8266com etc)
Here is a step- by step guide how to set up
Blynk app
Step 2: Virtual Pins
Virtual pins are used to interface with libraries (Servo, LCD and others), and implement custom functionality.The device may send data to the widget on a virtual pin like this:
* Blynk.virtualWrite(pin, "abc");
* Blynk.virtualWrite(pin, 123);
* Blynk.virtualWrite(pin, 12.34);
Also, virtual pins can react to value updates and requests. For example, this function will be called every time App Widget requests data for Virtual Pin 5:
* BLYNK_READ(5) { // Usually, you will need to respond with a virtual pin value. Blynk.virtualWrite(5, some_value); }
This function will be called every time App Widget writes value to Virtual Pin 1:
* BLYNK_WRITE(1) { BLYNK_LOG("Got a value: %s", param.asStr()); // You can also use: param.asInt() and param.asDouble() }
BLYNK_READ/BLYNK_WRITE functions are effectively "getters/setters" of the Virtual Pins if you're familiar with this concept in other programming languages. Please also take into account that these functions should take minimal time to execute, so avoid using sleep/delay inside of them.
N.B: taken from readme doc
Essentially i wanted to make an example to illustrate the BASIC use of the Blynk.virtualWrite() command
I made a sketch in Arduino:
the value of adc pin is read and when value <100, a HIGH is written to virtual pin 5.
the magic then happens in the blynk app where I can also visualise the adc analog value and light an LED when ldr analog value <100
Step 3: Results
As you can see in the pictures:
when LDR value is >100 the Burglar LED pin is switched off
When I shine a light on LDR, ldrvalue<100 LED is swtiched on
This is just a proof of concept.. With more tinkering I guess this can come in handy..