Introduction: Huge Chocolate KitKat© Bar

About: Inventor, entrepreneur and student.

Hello! Welcome to my second instructable. The goal of this instructable is to create a HUGE KitKat© bar that is 100% edible. So without any further ado, enjoy!

Firstly the ingredients must be collected. In this list I will also list the materials that you will be needing.

- Milk chocolate bars*
- Penny waffles* (eThese might have a different name in other regions, I added a picture in the next step)
- (preferably flexible) Bread pan to make the bar in
- 2 cooking pans, one has to fit in the other (so the small one rests with its handles on the large on)
- Water
- Printer
- Sticker paper (to make the logo)

*The amount of chocolate and penny waffles will be discussed in the next step

Step 1: Calculating the Amount of Chocolate and Penny Waffles

To be able to find the amount of chocolate you need you firstly need to decide how much of the KitKat© bar you want to be penny waffles. Why you ask? Well if you know the volume of your bread pan and the volume of your penny waffles you can calculate the amount of chocolate you need.

As a basic rule, the less waffles you use, the more chocolate you use, thus making the bar harder to cut. But if you don't use enough chocolate your bar might not look very nice with waffle parts sticking out. For my bar I aimed at using about 1 cm chocolate on every side.

How to measure volume: for the penny waffles it's easy, you just do length x width x height in cm of the amount of waffles you want to use. Your pan might be bit more difficult because it's sides might not be vertical. However we can use another strategy. Fill the bread pan with water (not to the top, leave some space for overflowing) and then pour the water into a container that does have vertical sides. Now use the first strategy again ans measure length x width x height.

Subtracting the volume of the waffles from the container will leave the amount of chocolate you need in volume. To translate this to grams we simply multiply it by it's density per gram. which is 1,325 grams per cm3

For example, you container has a volume of 2000 cm3 and the waffles have a volume of 1152 cm3. 2000-1152 = 848.

848 x 1,325 = 1123.6 grams of chocolate

Step 2: Making the Logo/prepair the Chocolate

Now that you have all the ingredients you still have to make the logo. I printed the KitKat© logo out and traced it with a box knife on plastic foil with a sticky side to it. Once the logo has been cut out you have to stick it on the bottom of the bread pan.

Finally now everything is prepared we can start melting chocolate. Fill the large pan with some water, but not to much as the smaller pan that is suspended cannot be touching the water. You can now heat up the large pan with water. Whilst the large pan is heating up you can place all the chocolate in the smaller pan. Be very careful to not mix any water with the chocolate as that will ruin it. Now place the small pan in the large pan and wait for the chocolate to melt.

Step 3: Making the Bar

Once all the chocolate has been molten (no more chunks!) you can pour the first layer in the bread pan covering the bottom of the pan. Once the first layer is poured, you can place the waffles on top of the first layer. Be careful not to press to hard on the waffles or they might touch the bottom, also you do not want them hitting the sides. Depending on the size of your pan you might have to puzzle a bit or cut a few waffles to find the best arrangement.

Once the waffles have been placed in the bread pan you can cover them with the remaining chocolate. Scrape all the chocolate from the pan so you get the most out of your oversized KitKat© bar! Once all the chocolate has been poured into the bread pan it is best to place your creation in the refrigerator or even the freezer. Be careful to keep the pan straight and do not shake, or the waffles will float to the top.

And now, we play the waiting game. Leave the bar alone for a few hours, take this time to clean up the (in my case) huge mess left in the kitchen.

Step 4: The Result

Voila! Your huge KitKat© bar is done! Turn over the pan on a plate or cutting board and if you are lucky the bar will pop out with a slight wiggle. If that fails you can always heat up the pan a bit in the oven. But in my case the bar came right out. Do not forget to remove your plastic KitKat logo! You can use a knife to cut the bar.

As a final thought, next time I would make the logo out of a thicker material, maybe 3D printed or laser cut. The logo I made is visible but only barely.

Enjoy! If you liked this instructable I would appreciate your vote!