Introduction: Ice Cream Shots
It gets very hot here in Houston, TX in the summer. One fun way to cool off is with ice cream! This is a simple technique to make ice cream in about 5 minutes and is great fun to do with kids! Plus, you get to burn some calories making it, so there is a little less guilt with eating them.
Step 1: Materials and the Video
What You Need:
• Flavored, non-dairy coffee creamers (you can find these on the coffee aisle of your grocery store and they come in all sorts of flavors - I'm partial to the french vanilla. Plus, even if you are lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy!)
• Ice
• Rock Salt (sometimes sold as Ice Cream Salt)
• Plastic containers (I used some containers in which I get take-out soup – about a quart size)
• Gloves or a dish towel (you will want these as the containers get VERY cold)
So here is a video that shows you the whole process as well as quickly explains the process behind making the ice cream. I've also written it out below to help...
By the way, if you like this video, check out our others at
• Flavored, non-dairy coffee creamers (you can find these on the coffee aisle of your grocery store and they come in all sorts of flavors - I'm partial to the french vanilla. Plus, even if you are lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy!)
• Ice
• Rock Salt (sometimes sold as Ice Cream Salt)
• Plastic containers (I used some containers in which I get take-out soup – about a quart size)
• Gloves or a dish towel (you will want these as the containers get VERY cold)
So here is a video that shows you the whole process as well as quickly explains the process behind making the ice cream. I've also written it out below to help...
By the way, if you like this video, check out our others at