Introduction: Ice Flowers

About: I like to make things more simple with easily available resources. My favorite quote: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a…

Ice flowers.... These beautiful flowers are made by deep freezing water in silicone molds. They are very easy to make, but need very low temperature to retain the shape.

Here is the step-by-step instructable to make these ice flowers...

Step 1: Silicone Molds

Silicone is a rubber-like material, composed of silicone, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Silicone rubbers are mostly two-part polymers, the base and an activator. When these two components are mixed together in proper ratio and poured over a solid object, the compound solidifies during the curing period and forms a flexible mold for that object.

Silicone rubber is generally non-reactive, stable, and resistant to extreme environments. they can withstand temperatures from -55 °C to +300 °C while still maintaining its properties. Unlike metal or plastic molds, silicone molds are flexible and very easy to take out the molded object from them without any damage to the shape. 

Let us see how we can make our own silicone molds at home in the next step.

Step 2: Make Your Own Silicone Molds

Here is an easy way to make a mold with Silicone rubber.

The Silicone mold making material comes in two parts: One is the Base (Larger one) and another is the Activator (Smaller container). The material I got came with five kilos of Base and 250 grams of Activator. That means one part of Activator is required for 20 parts of Base by weight. They both are in semi-liquid form. Now let us see how to make the mold.
  • Select the object you want to replicate. Here I used a Screw driver set holder.
  • Lightly lubricate the surface which will be in contact with the Silicone mix. I used Coconut oil mixed with paint thinner and applied over the surface using a piece of cloth.
  • Now you need a holder to contain the silicone mix around the object. Here I used a thick plastic sheet (this type of sheets are used as cover sheet in spiral binding bunch of printed papers).
  • Measure the circumference of the object allowing about 4 to 5 mm thickness for the silicone mold.
  • Cut a piece of plastic sheet to the required size (height no problem, you can have an inch or two)
  • Join the ends using duct tape and make it round. Lightly lubricate the inside where the silicone mix will be in contact.
  • Place the round plastic sheet over the object and seal the gap at the bottom using glue.
  • Now you need to calculate the approximate quantity of Silicone mix required for this. I have roughly calculated that about 150 grams of mix is required for casting.
  • Weigh about 150 grams of base and 7.5 grams of Activator in a bowl and mix well. Proper mixing of Activator with the base will give you an excellent quality mold.
  • Also make sure no air is trapped in the mix.
  • Pour the mix over the top of the object so that it will flow over the sides to the bottom. This will prevent any air bubbles being trapped in the mix. Do not pour directly on the sides. Tap the sides lightly to remove any air bubbles.
  • Keep this in a safe place for about 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, lightly touch the top of the silicone mix. If it is sticky allow more time for setting.
  • After proper setting, remove the outer cover and take out the finished mold from the object.

Now your Silicone mold is ready.

The Silicone raw materials are very sticky. Use hand gloves while handling them. Cleaning the pot used for mixing is very easy. The Silicone rubber sticking to the pot will just peel of after setting.

Step 3: Materials

Materials you need

  • Silicone molds
  • Fresh water
  • Water soluble colors
  • Freezer

Step 4: Method

  • Mix very little amount of water soluble color to the water. You can use food colors, fabric colors, textile dyes etc. Do not use oil based colors.
  • Fill the silicone molds with colored water
  • Keep it in the freezer for about four to five hours, so that the water in the molds freezes down completely
  • Remove the ice-cast from the molds and keep inside freezer only on a tray

You can make the ice-cast with different colors and different shapes. Keeping them in the freezer will help retain the shape and prevent them from melting

Step 5: Done...

The ice flowers are here... It is up to you to do what you like with these beauties