Introduction: Icicle Garden

Make a garden out of icicles to decorate your patio or yard.


  • Flower pot
  • Snowy location
  • Appropriate winter attire like gloves and secure footware (for winter conditions)

Step 1: Winter

Wait for a winter storm, then have the weather come to a temperature where icicles form, usually Dec-Feb are good months for this.

Step 2: Collect Icicles

Collect icicles from a roof, sheds tend to be lower in height so they are a good place to find them. Try not to select icicles that may damage your house such as those that are part of massive ice dams, 0-3 ft (<= 1m) is a good range here.

*** Be careful because icicles are sharp, and ice is slippery. Be sure to wear appropriate footwear and winter protection. Beware if it is too warm then icicles may fall from overhead at times.

Step 3: Fill Base Flower Pot

Fill the base of the flower pot with snow if it is not already there

Step 4: Invert and Arrange

Arrange icicles per your creativity. Future extensions could be illuminating at night, a garden of pots, coloring snow, or adding snow mounds around the base.

Step 5: (Optional) Create Snow Wall to Celebrate

Maybe you don't have a patio or yard, or the icicles are in dangerous locations. Don't worry, there is still plenty of snow and ice to use in nearby parks. You may be able to gather icicles more safely at nearby hockey/picnic shelters.

Cold Challenge

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Cold Challenge