Introduction: Inquiry-Based Teaching: Preassessment Foldable
The purpose of this foldable is to capture some of your initial ideas about Inquiry-Based Teaching. This is to be a preassessment. Don't try to learn about Inquiry-Based Teaching before completing this assignment. Just share what you already know and already think.
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
- Paper
- Scissors
- Writing Instrument
Step 2: Fold the Paper
Hot Dog Fold!
Step 3: Cut the Paper
- Just cut the front part of the fold
- Cut it into thirds
Step 4: Label Each Flap
Step 5: Define Inquiry
Under the Center Flap
- Again, don't look this up
- Don't think too long about it
- Just write the first sentence that comes to mind
Step 6: Examples
Under the Left Flap
- Create a bulleted list
- List examples of inquiry-based teaching
- List characteristics of inquiry-based teaching
- Whatever you think describes inquiry
Step 7: Non-Examples
Under the Right Flap
- Create a bulleted list
- What things would not be inquiry-based teaching
- Again, give examples or characteristics
- What would describe teaching that is not inquiry-based