Introduction: Installation of CenOS 7 on a VM - Part 02

About: An Open Source, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Enthusiast

This article is a continuation of the series and will demonstrate the installation of CentOS 7 on the virtual machine we created in Part 01


As mentioned in Part 01 of this series we will need the following:

  1. PC / Laptop with slightly higher resources (CPU, RAM, HDD & Network)
  2. Internet Connectivity
  3. CentOS 7.x Minimal Installation ISO file

Step 1: Initializing the Installation

We have seen the process of VM creation in Part 01 of this series. The moment we are done with the initial configuration required to set up a CentOS VM, we will now jump into the OS Installation process by starting the VM (Play Button can be used to power on the VM / Select "Power on this Virtual Machine"). We will see the following screens:

  1. Automatic Boot of CentOS Installation
  2. Screen prompting "Enter" to proceed with the next steps
  3. Media Check can be ignored by pressing the "Escape" key as we are using an ISO file and not any physical media (CD/DVD)

Step 2: Enter GUI Installation Phase

We will be welcomed by the following screens:

  1. The language we wish to proceed with the installation
  2. Observe "INSTALLATION SOURCE, SOFTWARE SELECTION & INSTALLATION DESTINATION" to have a "Caution" symbol initially. Please allow some time until we finally have this "Caution" symbol only on "INSTALLATION DESTINATION". Select the section.
  3. Leave the "INSTALLATION DESTINATION" to defaults and select "Done"
  4. Click on " Begin Installation" and start the installation

Step 3: Final Phase

It is now time to set the "root" user password and "Reboot" the system when prompted. Please allow the machine some time to prompt us to "Reboot". This step may take a while as all the required packages will get installed.

Step 4: Login to Start Working With CentOS

Observe the GUI portion is done and the virtual machine enters the reboot phase and comes up once again with "Boot Sequence".

Finally, it is time to log in with the user credentials (root in this case).