Introduction: Installing ESP32 on Arduino IDE: the Easy Method

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Here is a new way to install ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. This was made available in August 2018 and is much easier than the improvised solutions of the past. The microcontroller manufacturer Espressif realized the importance of the Arduino IDE (which I consider not just an IDE, but a framework) and developed the method.

Step 1: Installation

In the video, I'll show you a screenshot of how to run the new method of installing ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. The step-by-step process is below.

Step 2: USB-Serial Converter Driver for ESP32 and ESP8266

For Windows (that does not

recognize ESP):

A USB-Serial converter is required to allow communication between the computer and the chip (for both the ESP32 and ESP8266) via USB.

1. Access:

2. Download the driver corresponding to your version of S.O.

3. Unzip the files

4. Run the installer for your version of S.O. (x64 for 64-bit and x86 for 32-bit)

5. Follow the default installation

Step 3: New Method of Installation

Preparing the Arduino IDE With the Arduino IDE already installed, run it, and click on File-> Preferences

A window will open like this.

Click the button highlighted in the image.

Add the following link in the text field that appears as the image and click OK

You can add more links by separating them with a comma or line break

Step 4: Installing the ESP32

Now, go to Tools and Card Manager...

Wait until the text field is write-enabled.

Click on the search field and search for ESP32

Select the search result described as ESP32 by Espressif Systems and click Install, as shown

Step 5: Ready!

The ESP32 Dev Module and WEMOS LOLIN32 cards will be listed by your Arduino IDE in the Installed Cards option

Step 6: PDF
