Introduction: Instant Drone Kit

About: I am an American. I have joined the U.S. Army and have completed OSUT training at Fort Benning Georgia on the 20151119 or November 19 2015. I am an M1A2 Tank commander. I played varsity rugby for my school McC…
This is for a temporary drone that will not last with heavy use. This kit needs no computer programming nor computersavyness. 

Step 1: Get the Stuff

You will need
1 RC. vehicle
1 Controller for that vehicle
1 or more wireless cameras with receiver
1 or more viewing screens
1 or more devices to tie down camera and the battery or batteries

Step 2: Attach the Camera

Take your RC vehicle add tether, add camera, add battery, and secure battery

Step 3: Have Fun

Take your new temporary drone out for an adventure with out ever leaving your house. I am not liable for your wrongdoings with your drone. Only perform legal activities as always.

Step 4: Another Temporary Drone

this is an old Traxis truck i had just rebuilt

Drones Contest

Participated in the
Drones Contest

Epilog Challenge V

Participated in the
Epilog Challenge V