Introduction: Internet. . . How to Make Simple Sharing Server
Nowadays Internet looks like a cloud which can save our file or data. But, in fact, internet is a computer that works as a server which will save our file or data. Now, I will tell you how to make a simple file sharing server like internet. what we need it
1. A computer as server (instaled JDK and Netbeans)
2. A conection local host
3. A gadget as client
Step 1: Download the Software Needed
Let’s download the software that we need.
- Open and write “download Netbeans 8” in searching"s column.
- Choose the top of result. Use right click and open in the other tab because we need to download another program.
- If the other tab shows up. Clik the tab, we can find a table which contain a list of Netbeans type. I recomended you to choose a full service Netbeans or just download a Netbeans that contain a program java's program language.
- After we download it, we can back to google search tab and change the “google key search” to be “download JDK 8” as before we chose the top result
- In JDK tab . . You can find many table that contains a type of JDK and its version.
Choose one of the list that is suitable with your pc,
- before you download this program you must to accept the licence agreement. But dont worry, because it is open source. So it's free to download.
- After we clik download link, the pop up download notification will shows up. after it shows up, clik save file and oke
Step 2: Instal the Program
After we download two software, we must install it.
For library undertow, you can download it from my link in this tutorial.
- first program will be installed is jdk. because for installing Netbeans needs jdk. After we do the double click, the installation pop up will show up. Like I said before, it's a free program, so dont worry about serial number.
- After we instal the SDK 8, now we can to instal the Netbeans. In here I use Netbeans 8.1 which I was download before. you can use another version but I recommended you to use Netbeans 7 or Higer. let's we double clik the Netbean Instaler. and clik next until finish.
- Download The Undertow Library.
Step 3: Make a Ready Project
After we instal the two program, we can begin to make a source code to make a server file.
- first lets run the Netbeans aplication. wait for a moment until this pop up finish.
- now we can make new project clik file, and choose new project.
- select java and java application then clik finish. besause we wanna make a server file so lets give name MyFileServer.
- lets see. next we must to add library to this project. right clik in library folder, choose add jar/folder. this is the location where undertow library located after we axtraxt it. select all and clik open.
Step 4: Make the Program Code
If library had bin add to our project, that mean the time for code. . hehehe
we while make our code here.
Step 5: Test the Program
Well this is the las step to know our program work or not.
- first make sure that the server and client conect to same device
- Open web browser and make sure you didn't use proxy setting
- write web address to IP_ADDRESS:PORT
- copy file you want to share in "My File"
- Re load the client web browser adn you can download the file you had copy