Introduction: Introducing the Edison
The Edison is tiny. It's the size of an SD card. Despite its size, though it has built in WiFi and Bluetooth LE and enough processor and memory to get the job done.
Step 1: Edison Can Do More!!!
As you can see, a few of those modules piled up to produce a very capable solution...
The picture shows how the Edison will look look like on a development board.
This development board exploded all the functionality packed into the Edison and makes life easier! It gives you USB headers, a power plug, GPIO ( general purpose input/output) pins, a few buttons, and a micro-SD card slot
The picture shows how the Edison will look look like on a development board.
This development board exploded all the functionality packed into the Edison and makes life easier! It gives you USB headers, a power plug, GPIO ( general purpose input/output) pins, a few buttons, and a micro-SD card slot
Step 2: More...
Here's the Edison mounted on its mini board. This ain't good at all because it requires soldering and doesn't offer as many breakouts.