Introduction: Introduction to Nuvoton NUC140
In this instructables, we will take a look at Nuvoton NUC140 that well known for its density and functionality in industrial application such as industrial control systems, embedded network control, power systems, and etc.
It’s a fairly moderate instructables and could be used either on its own or part of something bigger (check it out >> Automatic Weather Station).
Step 1: NUC140 Features
- Cortex™-M0 processor
- Wide operating voltage (2.5V ~ 5.5V)
- Industrial temperature (-40℃ ~ 105℃)
- Max frequency of 72 MHz
- 128 KB of flash memory
- 16 KB of SRAM
- 4 KB of Data Flash
- Up to 8 channels
- 12-bit resolution (up to 800 kSPS)
- ±1℃ accurate Temperature sensor
- One SPIs (up to 36 MHz)
- Two I²Cs (up to 400 kHz)
- Six UARTs (up to 1 Mbps)
- Up to eight-channel PWM
- Period/duty trigger ADC function
- 4 to 24 MHz external crystal oscillator
- 22.1184 MHz internal RC oscillator
Step 2: Keil UVision
Before you can start doing anything with the MCU (Micro-controllers), you need to download and install the Keil uVision. From this point on we will be referring to the Keil uVision as the Nuvoton (ARM) Programmer.
The Nuvoton Programmer is based on the Processing IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and uses a variation of the C and C++ programming languages.You can find the most recent version of the Keil uVision Programmer on Nuvoton Installer (the CD included when you purchase NUC140).
Step 3: Keil UVision Settings
Setting Keil uVision could be a little tricky. Follow the instructions and images above, and you should have no problems.
Step 4: Download Code
Below is the code to activate Buzzer. Include the library (.c file) from Nuvoton BSP Driver, rebuild the target, flash the code, and you should have no problems.
You can clone and edit the code in any way you prefer.
Step 5: Enjoy!
After making sure that everything works smoothly, you can take this project into bigger project (check it out >> Automatic Weather Station)!
Power through powerbank or a plug and you’re good to go!