Introduction: Jack-O-Lantern Dessert Bowls

About: Hi I'm Elise and I love to cook and share my creations with my friends and family. I hope you like the recipes I put up! Please check out our cooking channel Elise's Eats on YouTube :D Instagram-https://www.i…

I first came up with these dessert bowls when i was little and watched charlie and the chocolate factory, where literally everything was edible (even Willy Wonka but that kids is called cannibalism). I always loved ice cream and then one day we decided to make edible ice cream bowls and so i thought for halloween why not make decorated jack-o-lantern dessert bowls?

They are absolutely adorable and are a perfect treat for Halloween! They require very little ingredients and are really fun and easy to make!!!

Step 1: Ingredients

- 200g white chocolate

- 1/2-1 tsp of canola or vegetable oil (do not use olive oil, it has a strong taste that will alter the chocolate)

- 80- 100g dark chocolate

- 1/4 tsp of canola or vegetable oil (again not olive oil)

- Orange food colouring I'm using gel (you may need more oil depending on what type of food colouring you use)


- Ice cream

- Coloured chocolates etc.

Step 2: Equipment

- Water balloons

- Mixing teaspoons

- Large plate

- Baking paper

- Shap object (knife, scissors or skewer to pop balloons later)

- 1 deep circular bowl (big enough to dunk balloons in)

- small bowl for dark chocolate

- Piping bag or ziplock bag

Step 3: Make the Orange Chocolate

To make the melted chocolate for the bowls, place the white chocolate in a deep bowl and place it in the microwave on 30 second bursts of cooking and stir until melted (repeat this 2 or 3 times until fully melted).

Once the chocolate is melted add your food colouring. now an important note here, depending on the kind of food colouring you are adding, you may need to add more oil to your white chocolate.

for me i used a full teaspoon of oil when adding gel food colouring as it can harden a bit too much (if you find your chocolate hardens when adding gell, just add more oil *HOWEVER* it may not hold its shape as well later on

Step 4: Make the Bowls

Firstly make sure that the balloons are washed and dried. This removes any dust or powder that may be on the balloons to stop them from sticking together in their packaging (no ones wants to eat that!)

Then take one of your balloons and dunk it into the orange chocolate mixture so that it evenly coats the bottom of the balloon, to resemble a bowl.

Then on some baking paper on a plate place a small dollop of the chocolate mixture and place the chocolate coated balloon on top (this helps make a base for the bowls. Then repeat with the rest of the chocolate and balloons. When your chocolate mixture is low take a spoon and carefuly 'paint' the chocolate on the balloons (or eat it whatever works for you XD)

Then place the bowls aside or in the fridge to harden *.

*NOTE* depending on what food colouring/how much oil you put in the chocolate the bwols may need to harden in the fridge.

Step 5: Remove the Balloons

Once the bowls have hardened grab the tip of the balloon and with a sharp object (scissors works well here) make a hole on the top of the balloon and allow the air to escape. this will cause the balloon to shrink and it will peel right off the bowl.

If the balloon rips off any of the bowl just fix it with ay remaining chocolate mixture.

*NOTE* You may need to put them back in the fridge to harden again if the piped chocolate is too warm.

Step 6: Add the Faces

Once the bowls are set, we now have to decorate them to look like cute little jack-o-lanterns!

Add the 1/4 tsp of oil to the dark chocolate and melt them in the microwave on 30 second bursts, mixing between bursts until the chocolate is melted.

Then fill the piping bag with the melted chocolate and pipe on any face which you like (I used my pinata jack-o-lantern which i originally named 'Jack' as my muse).

Then repeat with the remaining chocolate and bowls.

Step 7: Serve

I like to serve my bowls with ice cream, this is awesome because you can just eat the bowl when you are done with your ice cream! Also the cold ice cream also helps the bowl to hold its shape.

I hope you enjoy them and aren't they just so adorable!

Everyone can make their own cute little dessert bowl for halloween!