Introduction: Join Wires Together Efficiently

About: I'm crazy about inventing new things..... and thanks a lot to instructables website which helped me to share my ideas...

Hello guys !

This is my another instructable, which shows you how to join wires together efficiently..!

most of the people just join the wires and just wrap some insulating tape on it...

so in this instructable im gonna show you how to join wires together efficiently...I don't do this on all kind of applications...I do when it is something important..

Step 1: Tools Required....!

1. wire cutter

2. insulating tape

3. wire to join

4. glue (fevikwik)

Step 2: Cutting Wire

Just cut the wires as I did..!

why I cut the wires like that is explained in the next step..!

Step 3: Soldering...!

gap is used to prevent the wires from being short circuited...

Step 4: Apply Glue...!

Apply the glue between the wires...It helps the wires to keep in place....

Step 5: Finishing Touch...!

wrap any insulating tape on the joint...You can see in the above image how the joint is...

Step 6: Why This Technique....!

If any pressure applies on the wires it does not applies on the soldering .....It applies on the glue the soldering joint stays strong and lasts long enough....!


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