Introduction: Jump Scare Box (cheap and Easy)

About: I graduated from Cardonald College with an Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design in 1999. He has worked as a Tattoo Artist, Community Artist, and Freelance Artist ever since. I like making instructables that ev…

Halloween is just around the corner* and in this instructable i am going to show you how to make a cheap and easy jump scare box for your haunted house (or just living room table)

There are no hard to use tools or expensive materials for this one and it takes less than 5 mins to do.

*I know I'm posting this in September but if Tescos can put out their Christmas stock now then dammit we can do Halloween stuff


What you will need:

A box with a hinged lid.

A set of wind up chattering teeth

A lollipop stick (or anything that will hold the teeth apart)

A ruler

A pen

And some tape

Step 1: Taking Care of Your Teeth

Place the lollipop in between the wind up teeth so that it sits not to far down (my set of teeth and a small hinge/lip that accommodated the lollipop nicely)

Using the side of the box and the ruler mark of the length of lollipop needed to reach the top of the box. You dont need to be too accurate because we are going to cut the lollipop to be shorter than the mark to allow for the thickness of the lid and base.

cut of the lollipop and attach it to the lid with some tape. Try to make sure there are no bits of tape that may catch the teeth.

Step 2: The Set Up

Wind up the teeth and hold them apart as you slide it over the lollipop stick.

Carefully close the box holding the teeth in place so the dont slide off.

Make a scary note (optional) or even some fake blood dripping from inside.


The video below doesn't do the noise this one makes justice but it works well ;)

I hope you enjoyed this instructable and as always, thoughts, comments and even photos of your own jump scare boxes are welcome in the comments section below.