Introduction: Keep Your Wire Spools Tidy With Legos

About: A Bay Area native interested in electronics, mechanics, and robotics, and automobiles. Formerly the electronics captain of Team 100 in the FIRST Robotics Competition, I now study Mechanical Engineering at UC …

After struggling for a while to keep my wire spools from unwinding, getting separated from one another, and wreaking general havoc upon my workspace (don't ask how), I decided to solve my issue for free using none other than everyone's favorite destroyer of bare feet - Legos!

By creating a simple yet sturdy H shape on top to hold the spools, legs on all four corner to keep the holder planted, and a Technic bar  in the front to guide the wires out of their spools, I created a quick, easy, and dependable solution to my problem.  Other perks include customizable colors and everyone, and I mean everyone, asking you about it...

Have fun!

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