Introduction: Key Hooks Using Forks
A easy, creative and cheap little project for a simple household product that gets often overlooked!
Step 1: To Start, There Are a Few Relatively Cheap Items You Need for This Project
1) Forks. Whether they are old, and you have no use for them anymore, or you can go get cheap ones at the store. I purchased five Oneida Salad Forks for a little under $10, 1.99each.
2) Nails. I picked up a pack of 14 x 3/4” 2.0mm x 19.0mm brass plated Escutcheon Pins for $2. You have some freedom to choose which style and color, but for these instructions test to make sure the head of the nail is large enough to stay in between the fork's tines.
3) A hammer.
4) Flat, hard surface.
5) A base for the forks. I choose to buy some Rosette wooden squares for .50 cents a square to add a little flavor to the hooks.
6) Flat wall hangers. Size depending on the base.
7) Build at your own risk! Some safety equipment such as gloves and safety glasses
Step 2: Aligning the Forks
Take the base you have chosen and determine where you want the head of the fork to be placed. Use the fork you will be using and draw with a pencil where the nails will be hammered in
Step 3: Marking the Spot
Use the fork and the pencil marks as your guide and mark in between the tines, with the nail this time, where you will begin to hammer the nail.
Step 4: Starting to Hammer
Use your hammer and the nails that you chose to begin nailing into where the forks will be. Hammer the nails into the wood enough to stabilize the nail. Do not nail it all the way in quite yet (that will be in the following step) and be sure to leave the nails poking out enough to fit the fork prongs underneath.
Step 5: Sliding the Fork Into Place
Once you hammer the nails in slightly, you can then slide the fork in between the nails so that it is in place. After you have slid the fork in, then you have to hammer the nails down all the way so that the fork is securely attached to the wooden square.
If you want to use more than one fork, repeat steps 1 through 5.
Step 6: Bending to the Perfect Angle
Take the fork that is nailed into the base and bend the handle to a nice angle. You can angle the fork to your own liking, but keep in mind that the sharper the angle, the less likely it is for an object to fall off the hook.
Step 7: Mounting to a Wall
The final step is to attach the finished project to a wall (if desired). It is easiest to use flat picture hangers (pictured in step one) to nail into your base and into the wall. Be cautious when nailing into the base, as you do not want a nail to pop out the front side of the base.
Due to my lease restrictions at my house and for the respect of my neighbors, I will not be nailing the wooden squares into my wall. I have provided a picture of my roommate holding it against the wall with a set of keys on the hook to give you an idea of what the final product would look like. After that, you will have a new, convenient way to hang up your keys!