Introduction: Kids Rocking Chair
Made A kid's Chair with my dad for my 4 foot brother :) it's not a laid back rocker, because we designed it to make it easier for him since he can't sit still.
Step 1: Plans
We drew out a basic idea of what we wanted, but we kept it simple because we were aware we would need to tweak it later on.
Step 2: Shopping!
We purchased
2: 2x4" x 8ft boards
2: 1x4" x 10ft boards
1: 1/2" 4x4ft plywood
Step 3: Cut!
Time to cut the boards! Our seat was decided at about 16 inches wide.
So we marked and cut everyone of our boards at 16 inches, and checked their heights and matched them.
Step 4: Measure Your Kid and Make Adjustments!
Our original measurements were off, so it was time to improvise!
He just laid on the wood while we sketched it out!
Step 5: Cut Out Sides!
We cut out our measured side
Sanded the rough edges
Flipped it and traced it on the wood
Cut and sand the second side
Step 6: Sand and Paint the Slats/boards
We used an electric handheld sander to do a quick rundown over the slats to smooth them down.
We then painted three sides of the wooded boards. These will be the bottom and sides of each slat.
Step 7: Paint Both Sides!
We went ahead and painted both sides of both sides! We used Black Gloss Rustoleum for all of the wood!
Step 8: Staple and Screw Boards to Sides!
We went ahead and stapled the slats first, while we got an idea of placement, and to keep them steady for the screws.
Step 9: Wood Putty
Here we filled in all of the screw holes with wood putty!
Step 10: Testing Time!
We had him try it out, and he absolutely loved it!
Step 11: Sand by Hand
Here we gently sanded down the wood putty with a piece of sand paper to smooth it out!
Step 12: Repaint!
We repainted the sides of our wood, but our slats only needed one coat!