Introduction: K'nex Motorized Spike Car

About: I LOVE doing K'nex and will do K'nex forever! HAPPY 2018! It's now April! If you have any knex ball machine elements you want me to make instructions for or use in a ball machine, then just tell me by comments…

Hi!!! This is KneXFUN200 and today I have made a motorized car for you to make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are all the pieces you will need for this car:


Yellow, 2

Red, 8

Green, 4

Blue, 2

White, 8


White, 6

Dark Grey, 10

Orange, 18

Green, 2

Red, 4

Blue, 4


Tan Clip, 6

Blue Clip, 2

Motor, 1

Big Wheel, 4

Thank's for looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 1: Bottom Part of Car...

Step 2: