Introduction: Knex Scar (Final Edition)

About: K'nex gun builder. Part of the mid guard. Wasn't around with the old guard nor do I relate with the new guard. I now only operate myOmy here on instructables, this account is inactive
This is it; my SCAR. I am done with it, but anyone who would like to finish it, be my guest. The front end will screw you up though. I have no idea why I could not get it to work. It has worked for me in the past. This is posted by an iPad so the pictures will be weird. I did show internals so that you all could see this brand-new trigger design. It also uses a brand new adjustable stock.

Shoots 30ft
Extremely accurate(on the parts I finished)
Curved mag
Would have rails but didn't add
Fun to screw around with
Easily adaptable
So yeah, this is it.

Btw Red Book of Westmarch, your welcome.